Which translation is perfectly free of human error? Does an original text exist somewhere and if it does, what is its written language? Is it in book form? The early fundamentalists like Scofield argued that an error free Bible existed in the original autographs of the first writers and so the Bible is inerrant "in its original form."*
Instead of mentioning biblical infallibility, I sometimes hear this: "you can't pick and choose which verses you believe and which you don't." This suggests that all parts of the Bible are equal in value and importance. But let's be honest: Jesus, as other teachers did in his day, offered commentary on the Torah.**
Before Paul's conversion to Christ and the Christian way, Paul, as a Pharisee and extremist in a freedman's synagogue, hunted down law-breakers and followers of the way. His actions were the result of, in part, what and who should be banned from his faith community. ***
It's more honest to state what everyone sees: there are not "seeming" contradictions in the Bible, and if we only believed, we would know that everything agrees. And that the conflicts disappear in a cloud of wishful thinking.
Why not respect our hearers' intelligence? Yes, interpreting Scripture does require reason, sorting things out, what is important and what is secondary. Why not start with the teachings of Jesus in the four Gospels as the most important words of Scripture?
*See "Doctrinal Statement- What We Believe," Scofield Prophecy Studies. Scofield did not adhere to an error-free Bible existing in heaven, but held to the unity of the Bible with no contradictions in its message. Scofield originally believed in an agreement between science and the Bible arguing for both an old earth, as well as a young earth theory.
**See William Trollinger, "Fundamentalism Turns 100: A Landmark for the Christian Right," The Conversation, October 8, 2019." Scofield's Bible included an overwhelming set of footnotes emphasizing that the Bible predicts a violent end of history which only true Christians will survive. "The Fundamentals," a series of leaflets begun in 1909, made the case for Bible inerrancy while simultaneously attacking biblical literary criticism, socialism, and evolution.
***Luke 4: 16-30 places Jesus as a teacher in his home synagogue in Nazareth. The reading of Torah is followed by the teacher sitting in the seat of Moses to set forth commentary on the reading. Jesus' interpretation met with an unusually violent response from the congregants.
****For an excellent discussion of Paul's own faith development, see Elaine Heath, God Unbound: Wisdom from Galatians for the Anxious Church, 2016. Heath's explication of the "tradition behind the tradition" is as excellent as it is helpful.