Sunday, February 1, 2009

Do You Agree with Joel?

"Happy people gravitate toward happy people." Joel Osteen

Agree, disagree, or uncertain?

How is this statement relevant to the Christian Gospel?


  1. This kind of statementis hard to dispute. The problem with Joel Osteen is not that he doesn’t say a lot of good things, but that he misses the more important thing.

    Being a Christian is not about being happy! In his book “Become a Better You,” Joel is very clear in stating over and over again, that the goal of his teaching is to help his readers to become happy, fulfilled, blessed, reaching one’s full potential—the emphasis being one’s own personal happiness. Many people may be misguided to pursue happiness but miss the main thing. What is the main thing?

    The goal of every pastor and teacher is this: our objective is to “present every man perfect [mature, complete, finished] in Christ” (Colossians1:28). Someone has rightly said, “the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” Success, happiness, prosperity are not the main things. Someone else has said “good” is the greatest enemy of “best.”


Oldies but Goodies