Lord, unburden us today. Make us alive and free in gratitude, hope, love and praise! Into our world of not enough you continue to come to us, O Lord,
showering us- pouring out your love and your life in generosity and
over-abundance! We proclaim you as King and Deliverer.
Hosanna, blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!
We look at the journey ahead, and wonder, who is going to help us- who will be there with us. We discover to our joy that you are our help, you, who made the heavens and earth. You are the One who walks beside us and will be with us! We become free that we are not alone in the universe, that you are our resting place, and that there is no part of our journey or ourselves where you are not present. Free of the chains of our worst fears because you make your blessing and home wherever we are.

And we seek peace. We lift to you the worries that disturb our peace and we place them in your hands, Lord, trusting that this act of worship will bring us respite from anxiety at least in these moments we share together.
We choose to pray for others- for the people whom we love. We pray for each one your grace, for safety from harm and evil. We move onto to people we dislike- or who dislike us. Over each of them, we pray your forgiveness, blessing, and peace.
For those we know who are depressed and anxious, Lord, we pray that peace and joy would cover them. For those who are disabled and in pain, we bless with courage and strength, praying that our prayers would unleash resources within each of them. For the young, we pray your promise and a fruitful life. For those who share our lives each day at home or at work, we pray that all our contact be a grace for both of us.
For those we know who are depressed and anxious, Lord, we pray that peace and joy would cover them. For those who are disabled and in pain, we bless with courage and strength, praying that our prayers would unleash resources within each of them. For the young, we pray your promise and a fruitful life. For those who share our lives each day at home or at work, we pray that all our contact be a grace for both of us.
Lord, to the lonely and unloved, give your faithful companionship, for those who face the reality of their approaching death, your comfort, your grace, the gift of finally letting go, of saying with our Jesus, "Holy Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit."
In the One whose name is Love, we pray. Amen.
In the One whose name is Love, we pray. Amen.
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